Sunday, August 14, 2005

Os in Town.

So today was a bit strange, my friend Osvaldo (Os) from U of T happened to be in Helsinki on his way to Prague for a floorball tournament (don't ask) let me know that he'd come down and see me for the day. So he and a his friend Chris (who turns out to have a esto connection himself) came this morning by ferry from Helsinki. We didn't have much time so I tried to give them as much of a Tallinn experience as possible. We did the traditional touristy things for a couple of hours, hit the pancake house (you know what I'm talking about), came by my apartment, drank some Gin Long in the park and had a beer in Raekoja. Essentially we packed a week's worth of tourist life into 5 hours.

I would have never imagined that Os would make it this way but I am really happy he did. He managed to find some time from his busy life at CIBC to come and visit an old friend. Now for those friends who haven't been here yet (you know who you are) what the hell are you waiting for? I'm taking bookings for next summer already, I've become quite the tour guide since I came here.

Thanks Os (and Chris), it was a fun day.


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